Welcome to the Camp DuNord & Camp Widji Garage Sale Web Page!
Here you'll find a lot of good information on the sale, its dates, volunteer opportunities and lots more!
Follow us on Twitter- @duNordWidjiSale
and like us on Facebook (duNordWidjiSale)
Whew- after many issues with site editing, etc., etc., we think we've figured some things out. (We apologize if you've emailed or called, we're slowly getting our backlog of messages.)
So obviously our Spring 2023 Sale isn't going to materialize and -not to create false hope- but we'll be discussing a fall (Sept/Oct) sale.
Please standby for updates and we'll post them as they happen.
As you all know, we're a strong supporter of community, families and responsibility. With that in mind, we find that the most responsible thing to do is postpone our famous Garage Sale until we have enough time and support. If you do have a need to donate special items before then, please contact us through this site, or at 651-442-7226.
As a result of the costs of us having to literally dump some donations that are on our Can't Take It list, we'll really be scrutinizing donations and may have on hand a list of alternative donation facilities that might take the things we can't. (and please don't donate broken things)
Starting September (date to be determined), you can drop off items off directly at the MerchandiseMart Building, located right inside the Snelling Ave. gate (to the left of O'Gara's, next to the small Police Station). *If you desperately need stuff gone before then, please call 651-442-7226. PLEASE NOTE- DUE TO THE RATHER LARGE -YET GENEROUS- DONATIONS OF FURNITURE PIECES, WE'VE FOUND THEY OFTEN DO NOT SELL AND WE MUST PAY TO DISPOSE OF THEM. SO EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, WE WILL BE VERY LIMITED IN THE PIECES WE CAN ACCEPT.
For larger donations, please calls us- we may be out and about in our truck and can swing by your neighborhood.
Please call (612) 685-4562 or (651) 442-7226 for further information.
The "Garage Sale" as it's known- came into existence 50 years ago! We held it on a front yard in Roseville and it just grew so much that we had to move it to the Fairgrounds! We're the Garage Sale Committee and we run the sale. We're current and/or former campers who have close ties to the YMCA Camps DuNord and Widjiwagan. If you've never experienced them, check them out here:
http://www.dunord.org/ http://www.widji.org/
*If the links aren't working, you may have to cut and paste the line into your browser address line.
Twice per year we have a sale- usually May and October (same time that property taxes are due!). We collect donations from campers, friends, relatives, neighbors and from just about anybody who wants to donate to a good cause. We start the sale on a Thursday, but we take donations all year long. As you might assume, it takes a while to set up the sale, so we start working at the Fairgrounds on the Saturday before the sale. People can also drop off donations at that location if they like. For larger items or collections of "stuff", we can arrange to have a truck drive to your location.
The actual sale date starts Thursday, May 7th at 9:00am. If dropping off your donations, we ask that you do so any time from Saturday at noon May 2nd through Tuesday the 5th. Please call to schedule a pick-up for items you're not able to bring to us.
Sale hours of operation:
Thurs. (tbd) : 9am to 7:30pm
Fri. (tbd) : 9am to 7:30pm
Sat. (tbd) : 8am to 4pm (Bag Sale!)
Location: Merchandise Mart Building at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds, off Dan Patch Avenue and Snelling Avenue in St. Paul. See on the map here: map.JPG
For larger quantities or large items, we may be able to schedule a pick-up at your location. Or better yet, you can coordinate a "donation day" between your neighbors and we'll swing through with a large truck or trailer. Please contact us for details at (651) 442-7226. Your contributions may qualify for a charitable tax-deductible donation. (Please see your tax adviser for details.)
Unsure of what can be donated? Check out our list at the following link: Donation Guidelines
Volunteer opportunities exist in many categories. Please see the following link for further information:
If you would like us to email you with future sales dates and events, please fill in the requested information on the following page:
Add your name to our mailing list
No direct affiliation with the YMCA of the Twin Cities.